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Queen's Park Primary awarded Mayor Of London's Workplace Charter Commitment Level

We are pleased to announce we received an award from the Mayor of London, celebrating Queen's Park Primary's commitment to staff wellbeing. 


Mr Commins and Mrs Killip went to City Hall to receive the award in person.


Upon receiving our award we were given the following letter:


The Healthy Workplace Charter is the first pan-London framework that supports and recognises investment in staff health and wellbeing, partnering local public health resource with employers.  You are one of over 170 organisations that have met the standards to date.  All of your hard work is helping to improve the health of Londoners and showcase the Charter as a valuable framework for other employers to invest in staff health and wellbeing. 


We are delighted to receive this award and want to continue putting wellbeing at the front of all that we do at Queen's Park Primary.
