Queen's Park is a popular primary school. School tours are held throughout the year by the headteacher. If you are interested please contact the school office who will be able to arrange one with you.
Nursery admissions
Our nursery has 26 full time places. To be considered for a place in our nursery you will need to complete the Queen's Park Application Form available from our school office or by downloading it from below. Places are allocated according to our Nursery Admissions Policy which can also be found below.
Reception admissions
Westminster City Council is responsible for co-ordinating the allocation of school places in the borough in order to ensure that as many pupils as possible are enrolled in their parents' preferred school. Westminster City Council provides detailed information about the application process for Reception places, as well as information regarding other primary schools in our area. This can be found on the School Admissions pages of the Westminster website.
In Year Admissions
In year admissions are also administered by Westminster City Council. Information about In Year Admissions can be found here.
School Admission Form
A school admission form must be completed once your child is accepted. This form can be found below