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Lunchtimes at Queen's Park are staggered with pupils in Reception and Years 1 and 2 eating at midday whereas pupils in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 eat class by class starting at 12.30pm. Lunchtime for all pupils lasts an hour.

During lunch we run a number of clubs for children including ICT, board games, art and dance to provide the children with a variety of provision to choose from.

Queen's Park is committed to being a healthy school, and committed to promoting the health and well-being of the entire school community. Our food policy and the meals the school caterer provides, reflect this commitment to being a Healthy School.

School dinners

Cooked school lunches are available each day at school for those parents that wish their children to have one. All the food is cooked on site in our kitchen with the menu moving in a three week rotation.

All the children have access to two choices, of which one is vegetarian, bread and a salad bar. A sweet is most often fruit, but will sometimes be a hot pudding. Jugs of water and milk are available for the children.

If your child is attending school for the first time, or you would like your child to start school meals, then please ask at the school office.

The cost of school meals changes slightly every year. Please ask the office staff for the daily/weekly cost.

The school council were asked which meals the children enjoyed the most. They carried out a survey which was presented to the headteacher. The school menu now reflects the results of this survey with some less popular meals not being produced anymore helping to reduce wastage. Copies of our new menus can be found here:


Cash or a cheque (payable to Queen's Park School) for the correct amount should be paid to the school office. Parents may decide to pay weekly or may pay for school dinners half termly.

Free School Meals and Pupil Premium

All children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 are entitled to a school meal. In Years 3 to 6 parents need to apply to see if their children are eligible for a free school meal. More details about eligibility for free school meals can be found on the Westminster website, along with an application form.

However, schools receive additional funding for children who are eligable for free school meals. We therefore ask all parents, including those who have children in reception and Years 1 and 2 to apply for free school meals to see if their children are eligible. If your child is eligible then we receive an additional £1300. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the school office.

Packed lunches

Packed lunches should be labelled clearly with your child's name. All drinks must be in an unbreakable container. We encourage children to eat a healthy packed lunch and an after-school snack.

Sweets, fizzy drinks and chocolate bars should not be included either in packed lunches or as an after-school snack. If pupils are eating foods that are deemed inappropriate, they will be taken off them and given back to them at home time.

Water for lessons

If children so wish, they may bring in a bottle of water to have on their desks. Please ensure that bottles brought into school have a screw or 'push stop' lid. Water fountains are available throughout the school for children to fill their bottles up with.

Fruit at playtimes

Children in Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1, have the choice of a daily piece of fruit if they so wish during morning playtime.
