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Queen's Park Primary School

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Drop Off and Collection

Droop Street Entrance (Nursery, Reception and Years 1 - 6)

The main school gate on Droop Street opens at 8.45am. Children in years 1 - 6 should make their way directly to their classes.


The Early Years gate also opens at 8:45am. Please go through the Early Years playground and take your children to their respective classroom. 

The main school gate is opened at 3.30pm at the end of the day. It gets very busy in the playground with lots of families waiting to pick their children up. Please be patient with us so we can ensure that every child is safely accounted for.

Scooters and Bicycles

Scooters and bicycles need to be carefully stored in the storage area behind the school office. Please can you hang up scooters and leave bikes neatly so that it is easy to get in and out to collect them.

Prams and Buggies

Please do not bring your prams or buggies into the main school building. The corridors are narrow and they can block the passage way and cause a health and safety hazard especially in the event of a fire alarm.


After School Clubs

Unless otherwise stated, all pupils attending after-school clubs will leave from the Droop Street entrance at 4.45pm.
