Subject Philosophy: Computing
We live in an ever growing digital world where technology is an essential part of our every day lives. At Queen’s Park Primary school, we treat computing as a core subject to ensure that we equip children with the essential skills, knowledge and understanding they will need for a successful life. Because computing has links with all subjects within the curriculum, alongside weekly Computing lessons, we provide daily opportunities for children to consolidate their computing skills through project work, clubs and well thought out cross-curricular planning. It is paramount we ensure children become digitally literate so they are able to be active participants in a digital world and succeed in the future workplace.
We teach with:
- A strong understanding of the Computing curriculum expectations in term of both knowledge and skills.
- An awareness of our pupil’s interests.
- An awareness of what has been taught before and what will be taught in the future.
We teach to:
- Ignite curiosity in Computing.
- Equip pupils with essential skills and knowledge about the world to prepare them for later life.
- Encourage students to initiate their own learning and to complete tasks independently and confidently.
- Enhance learning and develop cultural capital through purposeful trips, activities and workshops.
Our Computing curriculum supports and supplements the delivery of the National Curriculum. Our curriculum provides:
- Theme-based learning experiences.
- Purposeful, well-planned learning ‘journeys’.
- Broad and balanced coverage of a range of subjects.
- Opportunities to respond to the needs and interests of our students and the local community.
- An awareness of local, national and global issues.
- Opportunities to develop cultural capital in our learners.
Curriculum Rationale
At Queen’s Park Primary school we use the iCompute scheme of work to support the teaching of computing. The scheme has been designed to provide planning and materials for computer mastery. The computing coverage shows the topics covered to ensure each year group is taught the skills expected within the three key areas of Computing: digital literacy, computer science and information technology. It is important that key elements of eSafety are taught within stand-alone lessons. These stand-alone lessons will take place at the beginning of each term. Where appropriate, eSafety will be referred to throughout computing lessons, within assemblies and when technology is being used throughout the school day.
Our Computing curriculum
Our computing curriculum is divided into three key areas:
Each year group will be taught skills associated to three key areas. Naturally, some lessons will incorporate the skills associated with more than one key area.
Computing in EYFS
Whilst Computing is not currently a statutory subject in the EYFS curriculum, at Queen’s Park Primary School we believe that children benefit from and enjoy being part of a variety of Computing activities. In the EYFS setting, children predominantly learn through self-lead play-based activities. This provides children with active control of their learning which is supplemented with carefully thought out and appropriate adult support. With this in mind, we have ensured that the Computing objectives match the Early Learning Goals and can be incorporated into the concepts chosen for each half term.
Parents and Guardians
Queen’s Park positively promotes and encourages parents to support the work of the school in developing a love of Computing. This can be done by inviting parents into Computing workshops, joining children in programing lessons and teaching parents how to use the internet safely.
Wider Community and Cultural Capital
Children at Queen’s Park regularly attend educational visits across London. Where possible, we encourage teachers to take their class on one educational visit per half term. Although it may not be easy to organise trips specifically dedicated to Computing, many of the topic-based trips have connections to the three key areas of computing. Examples of this are:
- Science museum
- Toy museum
- National Museum of Computing
- Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – Harry Potter
- Centre for Computing History
Queen’s Park positively promotes and encourages children to do their homework online.
Mathletics – Maths homework
Spelling shed – Spellings homework
Times-tables rock stars - Practise times-tables online