As we reach the end of our Autumn term it is nice to feel that we are getting back to some form of a 'normal' school year. We are able to plan trips with confidence that they will be going ahead, we can have visitors back into the school to share skills, deliver workshops and support learning.
Next term will be no exception, with the film festival inviting all year groups across the school to the cinema for special school screenings.
November will be dedicated to sustainability; we will be looking at the impact we can make on a local level and a global level.
December we will be encouraging our parents to come and watch our early years and year 1 performances around the nativity.
We will continue our sports focus with more team and multisports events being held in competition with local schools - this term we have reestablished ourselves by competing in cross country and football.
As always if you want to keep up with weekly news please sign up to class dojo or let the office know you would like a copy.