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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Science Day

    Wed 28 Sep 2016 Lucy Kirkland

    Yesterday, Year 5 took their Solar System learning out on the road after being invited to visit Westminster Academy’s physics laboratory.


    When we first arrived, we were encouraged to experiment with ‘moon dust’ (flour and chocolate powder) and ‘meteorites’ (various sized weights) to investigate what would make the deepest crater in the moon’s surface. We discovered that a larger object dropped with greater power created the deepest indentation. 


    Then we made balloon rockets! We soon discovered that with the simplest of materials -a balloon, straw, cellotape and string - we could build rockets powerful enough to shoot across the room. The bigger balloons we could blow, the bigger the blast off!


    It was a fantastic opportunity to get to use equipment inside a specialist laboratory and we hope to be invited back again soon.


     Finally, once we were back at school, we met as a year group to share everything we’d learnt on the Solar System so far. What a great day!




  • Roald Dahl 100th Birthday!

    Wed 14 Sep 2016 Lyndsy Killip

    Yesterday was an extraordinary day for the children and staff at Queen's Park Primary School. We were invited to appear live on BBC and Sky television to share in the festivities for Roald Dahl's 100th Birthday. News story image 1


    Staff worked tirelessly in the build up to the celebration to prepare the hall to showcase the best that Queen's Park has to offer. It was clear when children arrived so early that the preparation from home into the costumes was unbelievable - thank you!


    KS2 children arrived at school at 6.45am just in time for the first live shots on the BBC, and throughout the morning we could be seen on BBC Breakfast, Sky news and heard live on BBC London Radio. 

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    We were even treated to visits from 2 life size Oompa Loompa's and Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker. 


    The BBC said we were the most welcoming school they had ever visited. Penguin books praised us for the effort taken in decorating the hall and Sky couldn’t believe how well our children behaved.


    Throughout the day all children were treated to lots of Roald Dahl related fun, with games, golden tickets and lots more besides.

    We hope that your children had just as much fun as we did and look forward to hearing all your feedback.
